Monday, November 30, 2009 the burden of bliss


a song i wrote about what it feels like when nothing else can compare to being fully enraptured by the state of being in bliss...
touching these states of joy and beauty and ecstasy is beyond words, and the mystics talk about it often, saying that once they taste the nectar of divine, there is nothing that can satisfy. the divine bliss pushes everything else to the side, so that who we really are, shines through...and the challenge is then to live life in the balance of the tension between the earth and the sky.

you can hear my song kissed here:

or go to itunes
and download a copy today!!



i’ve been kissed

by the burden of bliss

it's pressing down upon my soul

and pushing out remaining ego

i am bound to it

unwound by it

and following through

with a love-glow hue

i cannot resist

its burning grist

no man

no hand

or knock off will do

i’ve been kissed

by the burden of bliss

it's pressing down upon my soul

and pushing out remaining ego

bound for another

instrumental other

soul defying shiver

monumental quiver

bringing me home

to the great, great one

it’s beyond ideas

of right and wrong

i’ve been kissed

by the burden of bliss

it's pressing down upon my soul

and pushing out remaining ego

you apprehend me

in a way i cannot resist

your siren song

callin’ me out of the mist

you funk me like no other

burning me out of a twist

i am made whole

the deeper you go

i’ve been kissed

by the burden of bliss

it's pressing down upon my soul

and pushing out remaining ego

give it to me

give it to me…

give me that kiss

that burden of bliss

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