so i was up in
esalen last week...the land of magic, the land of the fairies, the land of the stone people, tribes people, hippies, yogis, mystics, seekers, finders, tubbers and such...
lost in the beauty of it all, the power of community, the healing waters and singing the divine sound through the names of life, source, creator/creatrix...so much goodness...so much support...so much love.
the last evening of this celestial week, the band...led by
joey lugassy...and the rest of the 5 of us, who had been weaving music all week long, played for a rockin', dancin' group of yogis and esalen residents, near the end of our set, i played one of my songs, "
big enough" off my new album "
from within" ...it is always so fulfilling to share music, and to share my songs with others.
the next morning, a woman came up to me and asked me if i could tell her the name of the artist who wrote the song i had sung last night....??? i asked her what song she meant, and she said, you know the song,
'big enough'..."who is the artist who sings that song that you covered? I hear it all the time on the radio and i have been meaning to find out who the artist is!"
i was a little stunned for a moment...because i wasn't sure what she was asking...and on top of it...even more so to hear that my song is being played on the radio in colorado!!! so i told her it is my song and we both started laughing and i must admit...i had a little tear in my eye as i was (and still am!) so excited to hear that my music is 'getting out there'...on the radio!!
so i want to say, to those of you who are still listening to the radio...thank you for listening...let me know if you hear 'big enough' or other songs in your neck of the woods!! i hear washington, arizona, california and nevada are hearing it too...what about east coasters?
you can find my music now officially on
itunes as "ena vie" and my album is 'from within'...
see you soon...preferably in a live venue where you can tell me another great story!